"Ideas are easy, implementing them is difficult"
Guy Kawasaki, founder of AllTop.

Waffles, along with hot cakes, have become a typical breakfast food. Today there are restaurants specialized in waffles, we can find several brands in the frozen food section of supermarkets, and above all, we can prepare them from scratch thanks to electric waffle makers.
The main feature of waffles is their squared three-dimensional shape, allowing melted butter and Maple honey to stay in the same place evenly. Also, unlike hot cakes, waffles have a crisp exterior, and a smooth interior. Something similar to French fries or churros.
The words "waffle" and "wafers" are derived from the same Old German word Wafel, which is also related to words meaning "weave" and "honeycomb," which could be the precursor to the grid. in the current waffle.